Brighten Your Kitchen Decor With The Flair Of A Professional Home Decorator

Eyes are supposed to be the windows to the soul. While being able to read the people around you is important, properly accenting your real windows is a lot easier to accomplish.

A beautifully decorated home is a real joy, and one of the key elements to properly decorating your home is to put a good face on your windows. Window treatments are one of the quickest and easiest ways to dress up any house.

A room that is generally overlooked in window decorations is the kitchen. We spend a good deal of our lives in our kitchens. The necessity of food for survival makes the room that stores it a common location for family and friends.

Kitchen Curtains

There are a lot of aspects to consider when choosing the right curtains for any room. Since the kitchen is such an important location in the home, finding the right style can be very challenging.

There are dozens of possibilities available for choosing the perfect curtains for your kitchen. The first step is learning about all of the options for designs that curtain manufacturers provide.

Kitchen curtains come in as many shapes and sizes as the homes they fill. When starting the search for curtains, it is important to have the window’s measurements. If it is a small window, the style of curtains will be different than the style of a large window.

The choices for decorating can allow designs to be classic, simple, elegant, or fun. Like all areas of design, kitchen curtains can be used to express the personality of the decorator.

Decorating Trends

In recent years, decorating trends have moved away from individual expressions of style and centered more on what is currently fashionable. Many homemakers hire high paid interior decorators to customize their home. While these decorators can make a home stylish, they cannot capture the unique aspects of the personalities that populate the home.

Decorating a home is easy. Choosing the personal touches that customize a home is as easy as purchasing items that appeal to the occupants of the home. Human taste is so distinctive that the possibility of two people decorating their homes in the exact same way is nearly impossible.

The choices for fabrics and colors make curtains the perfect item to use as a starting point when decorating a room and deciding on a home décor style.

Choosing the Best Curtain Style For Your Home

Tailored, pleated, insulated and lined, tiered, ruffled, lace, sheer, and door panel curtains are the most common and popular styles of kitchen curtains available. Choosing the fashion statement that best fits your personality can seem overwhelming at the beginning, but with a little knowledge about each, one can quickly narrow the options to a few key designs that best suit the decorator.

Tailored curtains are straight lined, classically long curtains. They are generally hung alone, straight or tied back. Their clean lines appeal to many decorators who are looking for an elegant curtain display.

Insulated kitchen curtains are a common favorite. They are lined with an additional fabric that helps to insulate the window and makes a home more energy-efficient, enabling the household save money on their heating and electric bills.

Tiered kitchen curtains are short curtains, making them ideal for little windows. For larger windows, tiered curtains can be stacked to create the illusion of fullness or to combine complimentary colors.

For a more feminine look, the ruffled curtain can be the perfect choice. They are generally long and fringed, providing a soft feel to the room. Pleated curtains contain the same simple elegance as tailored curtains, but because of their pleats, they hang in a wavy fashion instead of straight.

For a beautiful accent to windows without blocking out much light, sheer and lace curtains are ideal. They can filter out the harsher light but still allow enough through to illuminate a room brightly.

Balancing your decorating ideas

Nowadays, the lack of time for decorating and its maintenance makes people look for something that can be done quickly and practically. However, even in this kind of situation personality is indispensable. The choice of material, furniture, accessories and right colors are great allies for those who want to make the interior environment more elegant and reflecting “the owner’s way of being.”

Colors are fashion. This has become a key element of decoration.

Harmony and quality

The main concept in a design project for a house or apartment can be defined in just one word: harmony. Harmony among styles and elements that will be used, such as color, fabrics, fabric textures and right lighting – can increase the perceived value of your design project or, if used incorrectly, can ruin it completely.

For example, you can set a modern architecture concept of interior design and mix the environments that you have with some classic pieces; or you can set a classic architecture concept of interior design and mix the environments with some contemporary elements. However, it is necessary to be careful.

For those who cannot hire a professional designer, it is very important that he or she knows how to get good quality design. The key is to avoid the use of too many colorful elements and strong colors. “Using only one color tone in the environment it will be almost impossible to make it wrong,” according to many interior designers.

But what is the meaning of matching in an interior design project?
Interior design is like fashion: everything can be used according to the taste of each person. There are not too many rules. The first principle is to start from the architecture style of the house, after which the interior design can be defined.

For instance, it is worthless to have a very contemporary house and use many classic elements inside its environments. You have to follow the style of the house. However, to have one or another older piece in a modern residence brings a different and beautiful combination to the decoration.

The wall

It doesn’t matter if it is a painting, picture, sculpture or a poster with your preferred superhero. When disguising the wall, everything can do good or bad, depending on the dose, the distribution, the lighting and the position.

The walls of residences of people with more contemporary style receive, more and more giclees from pop art. Icons of this movement, including Americans Andy Warhol (1928-1987) and Roy Liechtenstein (1923-1997), inspire copies and their masterpieces have been reproduced on a large scale. With colorful draws, the ideal would be to hang them on more bright walls.

As a first commandment, the experts say that the masterpiece should mean something for the owner.

Big pictures need to be alone in the wall. Two or more of medium size can be hung side by side. And many small pictures, making geometric figures, are very welcome.

Accessorizing the Bathroom: The Smallest Details Complete the Look

How you style a bathroom depends on a number of factors. First, there is the general style of your home. If everything in your home has a classic country sort of feel, having an ocean theme in your bathroom may seem out of place. Second, there’s the concept of the feel you want to create with the bathroom. For kids, you may choose a fun, cartoon theme; for those who are looking for a relaxing atmosphere, a place where it’s possible to fully unwind at the end of a long day, peaceful colors like those in a spa would be ideal.

Similarly, the types of colors that you’re like – along with the overall brightness of your bathroom – can determine whether you look for brightly colored accessories or those that are muted in color. Finally, there’s your personality, or the personality of the person who will be using the bathroom the most.

In general, there are four styles that are commonly used when accessorizing the bathroom – classy, muted, bright and fun.

In a classy bathroom, you may find yourself choosing bath accessories in muted colors, perhaps with a subtle floral tone. Toilet seat covers, towels, bath mats as wall as bath accessories for the counter – a soap dish or soap pump, a toothbrush holder and such – can all be coordinated with the shower curtain. You may start with a shower curtain that is a neutral color like beige with a rose colored embellishment and match the other bath accessories to the rose shade.

If instead you were trying to create a muted look in your bathroom, you’re likely to choose soft tones as well, but rather than a floral look, you may choose slightly more modern bath accessories like those that you might find at a spa retreat. Muted shades of green or blue, natural colors that resemble stone or clay are all good base colors for your bathroom. Consider a solid color shower curtain or one that is patchwork – squares of complementary colors. Choose a matching bath rug, bath towels, a toilet seat to match and simple chrome plated bath accessories.

Alternately, if bright, modern colors appeal to you, you’ll find that bright, single colored shower curtains, window dressings, bath towels and shower mats can create a crisp, modern look. From using a number of different bright, solid colors in your bathroom to choosing the same pieces that feature bright colors in geometric patters or simple stripes, you’ll find that you are able to bring the look of your bathroom together, to create a bright theme even if the items don’t necessarily match.

Using blocks of color can be fun, but for some it’s just not fun enough. Whether you’re accessorizing the bathroom for kids or just for those who are young at heart, sometimes you just feel playful. You may make the choice to use a bright, aquarium theme for your bathroom – tropical fish on the shower curtain, bright towels with a wave-like geometric pattern, a fish shaped bath mat or even an acrylic toilet seat designed to look like a fish bowl (complete with colorful fish). You might choose dolphins, or even cartoon characters as the central theme for your bathroom.

For example, someone who still carries a fondness for Betty Boop may decide to use the character as a theme for his or her bathroom. A Betty Boop shower curtain and bath accessories set with a toothbrush holder, a trash can and a soap dish could be used with red or black towels and a red or black bath mat and toilet seat.

Of course, these aren’t the only four styles for a bathroom; whatever your interests are, whatever inspires you, that’s going to be the foundation for decorating your bathroom. Whether you choose colorful flowers, solid colors, muted tones or something altogether different – a clean, modern look using all white for example – it’s the small details that bring it all together. Choosing bath towels that don’t quite fit in with your chosen color scheme, combining an aquarium theme toilet seat with a bamboo shower curtain: these things simply don’t create a cohesive look.

Fortunately, it’s easy to find bath accessories that will allow you to bring the whole look together – that is, once you decide what kind of look and feel you are looking to create.

A Wild Idea To Make a Bold Decorating Statement

The secret to good decorating is to be bold and creative without ever being tasteless. Here’s an idea which is unique enough to get attention, yet will never be out of place.

Instead of just flowers in a silk arrangement, use feathers! Feathers bring an added bit of texture and life to the standard silk flower display. Pheasant and peacock feathers will add height and drama. Bright colored feathers will make your display eye-catching and unique. To add softness to a bouquet, try ostrich plumes..

You may want to leave the flowers out and make your arrangement entirely out of feathers. An interesting container can serve as a wonderful starting point. Search for one with an animal skin motif. Duck feathers in a leather container will add a manly feel to any office or gameroom. Short feathers at the base, with spikes of pheasant plumes, create an attention drawing piece for a buffet or hall table.

Exotic feathers can add spice to a bedroom. Put them out with candles for a special night, and create a very romantic mood. You might even try a boa for yourself!

Look outdoors for feathers of local birds from your area. You can use these to make a statement about your love of where you’ve chosen to live. Take a walk in a nearby wooded park and soon you’ll have a collection from local birds. Typically these are small feathers, yet they’ll say “home” in a cute display on an end table.

Search the floral section of your favorite craft store for interesting natural items such as moss, twigs and dried seeds to add to your design. A skilled florist will help you change these elements into a stunning display for your home.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. You’re sure to draw interesting comments and with reasonable consideration, you’ll add a stimulating look to any room.